Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Still Going

It's coming to that time of year when the semester is winding down. I have to start seriously thinking about my portfolio for my final exam. I have an idea in mind, but at this point I'm going through my scans and looking at photos on a virtual light table to see how things look together. Hopefully I'll have a concrete idea next week and can start printing and matting in earnest. Wish me luck on that.

Aside from that, I shot another roll of 220 and a roll of 35mm. I think I'm becoming more discriminating as with these 2 rolls, I didn't find many that were up to my own standards. This definitely isn't a bad thing. I also am finding myself considering more factors when looking at photographs. That's a good thing, too, but I need to be careful about becoming a snob, especially when I myself am at a low level within the art.

At any rate, here some off the new rolls I thought to share with you. Let me know what you think as the comments help me grow.

This is my college in my first fairly successful night shot. I'm going to have to ask my professor about the flare from the light on the left hand side. I'm sure it's not lens flare, but it does take away from the overall picture.

Another silhouette of this plant. I have another one showing on my Flickr account. This plant actually makes for some good lens testing. This shot as well as the night shot were both taken on my Canon Rebel Ti 35mm SLR.

I also have another photo of this on my Flickr page. This one, however, was taken with my Pentax 645 medium format camera. The ball here is a perfectly balance sphere weighing around 6 tons. Carved into the sphere is a map of the world. The globe rests on a 1/4" film of water that is constantly pumped in to hold it up. Because of this, a person can spin this globe in any direction with just a little push. This has always been one of my favorite works of art in the city of Houston.

This statue has become a symbol of the city. I myself have quite a few photographs (mostly digital) of this statue. This is one of my favorite film photos, though. Creating silhouettes is good for learning how light works and how to meter for the shot you want. This was taken with my Pentax 645 medium format camera.

There were a few more photos from these 2 rolls that I can use, but they won't be shown here. Once I get my final portfolio settled, I'll let you know. At any rate, let me know what you think of these photos.