Saturday, September 8, 2007

South Carolina Part III

Nothing like home on a Saturday night...

I went through some more of my South Carolina pictures. As I go through them I'm finding the disappointments as well as the gems. In all of these I only had to adjust for color correctness... the exposures were good from the get go (I hope I'm getting better at this). I did find that one of my lenses is in need of a serious cleaning. Well, hopefully it's the lens and not the sensor. I don't want to pay to have the sensor cleaned and I don't have the confidence or tools to do it myself. What to do, what to do... anyway, enjoy!

Aperture: f/2.8
Shutter Speed: 1/25
ISO100 with 0ev
Focal Length: 17mm

This is an alley just off main street in Greenville, SC. The US Bicycle festival was happening on a blocked off section of Main Street at the Greenville Hyatt Regency. I took this one just cuz I was bored walking toward the street. I liked this one because of the contrasting colors as well as the detail.

Aperture: f/32
Shutter Speed: 1/6
ISO100 with 0ev
Focal Length: 35mm

This was taken from an observation point at Caesar's Head State Park in South Carolina. We were pretty high up in the hills at this point and at the top of this particular hill. The view was definitely breathtaking. The downside to this was that it was cloudy that day. This is one of the few pictures from that observation point that came out good because the sun was able to peek through the cloud for a short time. I know the trees in the lower right distract from whole picture, I left them in because it gives a good perspective as to how high up I was when taking this picture.

Aperture: f/4
Shutter Speed: 1/1000
ISO100 with 0ev
Focal Length: 50mm

Taken at Cowpens Battlefield National Park in South Carolina. I took this one just for the sake of taking a picture. Even though there isn't much going on here, the detail captured in the trees helps bring out the natural contrasts. That makes a great contrast against the relative evenness of the sky (at least I think so).

Aperture: f/2.8
Shutter Speed: 1/2000
ISO100 with 0ev
Focal Length: 17mm

Taken at Cowpens Battlefield National Park in South Carolina. This is another shot of the monument in front of the Visitor's Center. In the photo are my wife and her sister. What makes it for me is that this shows 2 non-Americans appreciating an important piece of the history of our nation. They both showed great interest in it, and that seems to be lacking in a lot of Americans who have had families here for more than 2 generations.