Thursday, August 30, 2007


I started my photography class last night. The number one requirement for the course was a 35mm SLR film camera. I borrowed my uncle's Canon EOS Rebel G. I don't know where that camera fits into the spectrum of Canon film cameras, but as long it meets the requirement, I'm good. We went over the supply list for the course (the only thing we don't have to provide is a developing tank), looked at some work from some well known photographers, and then went through the basics of a 35mm film SLR camera. All in all it wasn't a bad class as I found out something that I should have been doing with my shots that I hadn't been doing. Perhaps future shots will be relatively free of issues with exposure (unless I deliberately over/underexpose). I also learned a couple of things about the relationship between aperture, distance, and depth-of-field that I didn't realize before.

One thing that is certainly going to make this challenging is the fact that we're only going to be shooting black and white for this course. I know that when I turn my color digital photos to black and white it can take a lot of tweaking to get it 'right'. From what I understand, developing color is more complicated than black and white. If this course goes well, then I'll take the second semester as well. I suppose in the second semester we'll learn about color.

Well, I don't really have photos of my own to present tonight. I have plenty of photos in the archives that I could go through, but I am a little tired tonight and I need to be awake in 6 hours to take my cat to the vet (annual check-up). So, to all of you I bid goodnight.